I’m sure most of you are familiar with Oprah Winfrey. She is an American television presenter, media mogul, and has the highest-rated talk show in the history of television. There are so many facets to this woman, I have lost count. So, what I want to focus this Hero of the Month on is her website www.oprah.com and how it is used as a tool for her business and brand. Oprah and her team use this website in the most thorough, successful way I have ever seen. It is a tool for sharing, educating, selling, connecting, and most of all reuniting her entire brand family of television, book club, magazines, webcasts, newsletters, films, radio, and Angel Network…to name a few. Best of all, she realizes the importance of being flexible with the times and is constantly growing and tweaking her site to reflect today’s needs.

I highly suggest you take a bit of time to experience www.oprah.com even if just to take in the successful fluidity of combining so many elements under one roof!